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Healthy With Lime

Besides becoming syrup, juice water of sour taste like lime become other cookery mixture or beverage. The reason is lime do not only can become refreshing beverage, but also contains drug special quality. Lime ( Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) be clump plant with many branch. This crop many planted in lawn and garden.

Height of can be reach six metre. Its(the leaf is globular egg and every leaf handle leaf. Its(the interest is white having colour radiant. Its(the bar hardwood, and usually bears fruit after 2,5 years. Its(the fruit is globular with slippery surface, having skin thin, and having colour stripper chartreuse if it is. This crop anticipated comes from India area north side.

Its(the fruit contains is juicy and ascorbic acid that is enough is height. Leaf, fruit, and its(the interest is oleaginous flown. Usually lime grows carefully in lowland area which many hit [by] sunshine. Acidulous lime of citrate, amino acid ( tryptophan, lisin), essential oils ( citral, limonen, felandren, camphor lemon, kadinen, gerani-lasetat, linali-lasetat, aktilaldehid, nnildehid) resin, glycoside, acid sitrun, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin brimstone B1 and C.

Sour lime taste can assist cleans nicotine found on tooth and man mouth is liking smoking. From contents of various oils and matter in it, lime exploited to overcome dysentery, constipation, spasmodic menstruation, diphtheria, pimple, confused head or vertigo, throatiness, coughs, body odour, adds appetite, prevents hair to moult, dandruff, flu, fever, too fat, tonsil, nosebleed, and chafes nose.

From some last research shows, lime also has benefit to prevent calculus relapsing, especially idiopathic calcium calculus. According to the report, consumes lime can prevent incidence [of] calculus. This thing confessed by Renal RS Dr Sardjito, Yogyakarta, Prof DR Mochammad Sja'bani.
At the research it is known that lime contains high citrate, while many calculus patients has low citrate rate. He tells local lime citrate content ( Citrus aurantifolia Swingle which is circular) 10 bigger times compared to citrate content at tangerine, or six times beloved orange. Its(the citrate content reaching 55,6 grams per kilogram.
In general citrate in water urine at lowest calculus patient at night and early morning. Hence giving of nicer lime consumed to be momentary after dinner. Juice of lime consumed after dinner the is reported do not generate stomach sigh. Juice water two the lime thinned in two water glasses.

Drinks this orange mixture can reduce and prevents relapsing of idiopathic calcium calculus. This disease prevention needs because this type found at around 80 % calculus patient. But, preventive effort and therapy of this disease done by the way of limiting consumption of salt or saline food, gives calcium input that is enough,


" Petai ", The Smell is Bad But Have Special Quality .

You are of all surely recognizes that "petai" as fruit making aroma more bad. But possible many between you doesn't know that "petai" contains 3 kinds of natural sugar that is sucrose, fructose and glucose combine with fibre.

Combination of This content can give motivation of instant energy, but sufficiently long and enough big of its. Research proves two portions pete can give enough energy to do heavy activity during 90 minutes.

Research also prove that "petai" is not only give energy, but also can prevent overcomes some kinds of disease and ugly condition. This makes pete becomes one of important food in food all day long.

According to survey done by MIND between depression patient, many people feels is better after eating pete. This thing happened because "petai" to contain tryptophan, of a kind protein changed by body to become serotonin. This will make relax, improve and repairs mood and in general makes happier someone.

PMS ( premenstrual syndrome)
If experiencing PMS when ' guest ' comes, you are not necessarily drink this pill and or that, enough overcomes by eating "petai". Vitamin B6 contained by "petai" to arrange blood sugar rate, what can assist mood.

With high content, "petai" can stimulate produce of red blood cell and assists in the event of anaemia.

High blood pressure
Tropical fruit of this very on unique potassium height, but low of salt, so that very perfecting to fight blood pressure. So height, so that FDA America permits plantation of "petai" to do formal claim about ability of this fruit to reduce blood pressure risk and stroke.

Brain ability
200 students in Twickenham helped easily through test in this year because eating "petai" at the time of breakfast, rest , and lunch. Research has prove that fruit with high potassium content can assist learning by assisting student increasingly attentive.

Drunken drug
One of fastest way to heal " disease" drunken is milkshake "petai", sweet with honey. "Petai" will assist makes calm stomach and with help of honey will increase falling blood sugar rate, while milk will make calm and back improve dilution rate in body.

Mosquito bite
Before you reach for mosquito bite cream, tries to rub area hit by bite with skin interior "petai". Many people successfully overcomes feeling an itch and swelling in this way.

Research in Institute of Psychology Austria finds that pressure at the time of job(activity causes people often reach for food making calm like chocolate and flaky. By laying eyes on 5000 patients in hospital, researcher finds that most people gets heavy because high working pressure.

Arranges body temperature
Many other cultures seeing "petai" as fruit " cool " capable to reduce body temperature and emotion of mother waiting birth of the child. In Dutch for example, pregnancy mother will eat "petai" to assure that the baby born with temperature is not height.

"Petai" can help man which wish to desist smoking. Vitamin B6 and B12 contained by it, together with potassium and magnesium, assists body quickly recovers from nicotine stop effect

Potassium is important mineral, which assists to normal of heart tick, sends oxygen to brain and arranges body fluid balance. When us stress, speed of metabolism we will increase, so that will lessen potassium rate in body. This thing can be balanced again with help of eats petai which high of potassium.

According to research in " The New England Journal of Medicine, eats "petai" as part of everyday food will reduce death risk because stroke until 40%.

They liking looks away at natural therapy would dare to swear, if you wish to kill tick, taking "petai", and puts down in that tick. Remain to maintains pete by using plaster!. After reading all facts you must believe that "petai" is nature drug to assorted of disease. If you compares it with apple, "petai" has protein 4 more times, carbohydrate twice the many, treble of phosphorus, fivefold Vitamin A, and twofold number of other vitamins and mineral.

"Petai" also rich potassium and is fruit of with best food value. So possible now it's the moment you changes famous have been words about the apple becomes: " A Petai a day keeps the doctor away". OK, sorry if i do the possible mistake , and let's try "petai" .

xxx syanne xxx


Avoid Influenza With Wash Your Hand .

Every mom not wrong, if they command us to wash hand . Follow with some doctor , that habit can protect us with disease . Before doing activity , you must wash your hand . Because it can keep us for every virus in this world . Influenza can easy infected in every human , but you don't must go to the doctor . You can prevent influenza with nature way .

This is a way to prevent if influenza :
1. Eat one orange for one day .
2. Take a rest .
3. Lose your stress, stress can make everything worst .
4. Eat white onion every day .
5. Drink more and more a glass of water .
6. Before do the activity, wash your hand with soap so that can make us prevent with bacteria.
7. Do some exercise .
8. Keep your body warm .
9. Drink carrot juice .
10.Don't smoking .
11. Keep your positive thinking .

So , all of you now always don't forget to wash your hand before do the activity . Now , the weather going bad and more bad every single day . You must smart to protect your body , you just and must follow the eleven way . Thank you , i hope this article can be useful for all .

xxx Anne xxx


Save Our Earth !

Now you must save our earth, it is for now and for our next life . We can save with little part , example : do not throw away garbage in every place , don't use air conditioner .Sometimes we don't know it will better or bad for us .Let me know, that the air now get hot and more hot than before. It balance in 2040 mountain ice in pole will if global warming more worse and worse .What will happen to earth if all really happen in our world.This all can make human starving in every world, million people will tear food and water.Oh my god, can't you believe if all that happen to us, it will be the day of judgment.Now you must immediately save our earth, save the rain forest and ourselves.You must promise for yourself to keep all clean and let's get planting !.You must conscious how very important the earth for our life.Who will keep the earth except us .


Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a vicious tumor and being grow up in your net in your breast. Especially cancer can be affected in female, but male can be affected to. Even male possible more less appeal with female. If you addopt this cancer now you must go to the doctor and do what suggestion from doctor, you must follow a medicinal treatment.
This is a several factor breast cancer :
1. Age
2. Have been addopt this cancer
3. History of a family
4. Factor genetics and hormone
5. Material of chemistry
This is some indication, is protruding tumor. But, we can prevent this cancer there are organize pattern in your life. Even that indication is not be in your body, you still must check up to the doctor. I'm suggestion you to protect your body before you regret , organize your life be better than before.

im suggest it because , it is based on my experience .


Take a Rest Time !

     Now, you must take a rest and sleep well. It will keep your body still fit. if you not take a rest for one day sometimes your body feel so tired. For all day much human work so hard and compulsion 
body to keep work.It make your body weak for tomorrow.

The most important is dont forget to drink some vitamin. Much drink a water maximal 
8 glass a day. Smoke, drink alcohol, and drugs hmmh , dont ever do this because is just can your 
life more short and damage your life . Your health is the worst i ever know, if you use all the "things" . You must just do the positive think,  and keep your positive thinking. And always smile !


Kind Of Vitamin

Vitamin is a important think in your life especially for your health. And you must know what kind of vitamin and what the function of vitamin. You are not loss your time for know about vitamin. Is really benefit for your health knowledge. 

- Vitamin A
                Vitamin A can advance resource our body and keep your eye health. Source of vitamin A : milk, fish, green and yellow vegetable
- Vitamin B1
                Vitamin B1 can help your growing of human. Source of vitamin B1 : wheat, meat, milk, green peanut, egg, yeast and etc
- Vitamin B2
               Vitamin B2 can absorb protein in your body. Source of vitamin B2 : fresh vegetable, green peanut, yellow egg, milk, and etc.
- Vitamin B3
              Vitamin B3 is to liberate energy from nutrient substance and subtract depression. Source of vitamin B3 : fruit , wheat , yeast , fish , heart and etc
- Vitamin B5 
              Vitamin B5 can subtract allergy , tired and etc. Source of vitamin B5 : meat ,  milk , green vegetable , heart ,green peanut.
- Vitamin B6
              Vitamin B6 to help production of cell red blood. Source of vitamin B6 : peanut , corn , husked rice, heart, fish, and meat.
- Vitamin B12
              Vitamin B12 can help former cell red blood. Source of vitamin B12 : egg, heart, meat.
- Vitamin C
              Vitamin C for your health body and prevent influenza. Source of vitamin C : orange, tomato, pineapple, and fresh vegetable.
- Vitamin D
             Vitamin D can absorb calcium and very important for your bone. Source of vitamin D : cod liver oil, milk, egg, and cheese.
- Vitamin K
             This vitamin is keep your health bone. Source of vitamin K : milk , yellow egg and fresh vegetable.
- Vitamin E
             Based function of vitamin E is to prevent cancer, protect your body as a antioxidant. Source of vitamin E : fish, chicken, yellow egg, yeast.

xxx anne xxx


What The Meaning of Vitamin

Vitamin is a substance compound complex and that is why vitamin is very important for our body. Vitamin is need for help and arrange activity our body. Without vitamin human and creature live cant do the activity. All creature live if less consumption vitamin will be able and affected by dissease.That is why vitamin is one thing in our life important who can protected by dissease, and now you can consumption vitamin for keep our body health. If we taking some vitamin many times essential must the consumption must be controlled and self medication avoid. Vitamins benefit different in many people. Health and fitness is an important element of life. Staying fit and health make your activity determinies your mood and attitude towards your life and you must know maybe this important for your old time.
xxx Syanne xxx